2024 年 9 月 5 日娛樂遊戲 發佈

在遊戲界中,短命遊戲屢見不鮮,但索尼互動娛樂(Sony Interactive Entertainment)最新推出的多人射擊遊戲《Concord》,卻以僅運營11天便宣布關閉伺服器,成為歷史上最短命的遊戲之一。這款由Firewalk Studios開發的遊戲自8月24日推出以來,便面臨著各種負評與玩家冷淡的反應,最終不得不在9月6日終止運營。






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2024 年 9 月 4 日遊戲 發佈

由索尼旗下Firewalk Studios耗時八年心血開發的第一人稱對戰射擊遊戲《星鳴特攻Concord》,於8月23日正式推出,原本備受期待的身影,卻因為角色設計不佳及需要支付40美元的入場費用,令許多玩家感到失望。這款5對5的英雄射擊遊戲,自上市以來便遭遇了慘烈的市場反應與銷售困境。隨著玩家反饋的增多,許多人對遊戲的質量表示不滿,對比同行競爭對手的表現,Concord似乎未能迎合玩家的需求。


退款政策涵蓋了PlayStation Store及Direct的購買者,而Steam及Epic Games Store的用戶也將在未來幾天獲得退款確認。這一措施無疑是SIE為了保護消費者權益而快速反應的表現,然而,這也讓人不禁思考,這場遊戲的推出究竟是一次大膽的嘗試還是一次失敗的冒險?


面對如此的情況,Firewalk Studios未來的發展策略將成為業界關注的焦點。是否能夠透過後續的更新與優化來挽回玩家的心,或是這款遊戲將成為一個教訓,對於遊戲產業內部的開發流程和市場策略提出反思?


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Concord Bridge Initiative: A Step Towards Inclusivity and Awareness
2024 年 8 月 25 日Social Issues 發佈

In an era where social justice and inclusivity are at the forefront of societal concerns, the Concord Bridge Initiative emerges as a beacon of hope and education. This groundbreaking program is designed not only to tackle bias incidents and hate crimes through integrated reporting systems but also to foster a deeper understanding of representation among students and staff.

The Concord Bridge Initiative recognizes that education is the key to dismantling prejudice and promoting a culture of inclusivity. By educating students and staff about the importance of representation, the program aims to create an environment where diversity is celebrated, and all individuals feel valued and respected. The initiative’s curriculum includes workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions that challenge preconceived notions and encourage open dialogue about race, gender, and other critical issues.

One of the core components of the initiative is its integrated reporting system for bias incidents and hate crimes. This system provides a transparent and accessible way for individuals to report incidents without fear of retaliation or disbelief. By fostering a culture of accountability, the Concord Bridge Initiative empowers individuals to speak up and take action against discrimination and hate. This proactive approach not only addresses the immediate concerns of bias but also serves as a deterrent for future incidents, as the community unites against intolerance.

Furthermore, the initiative emphasizes the importance of community involvement. It encourages collaboration between students, staff, and local organizations to address the root causes of hate and bias. By working together, the Concord Bridge Initiative aims to create a comprehensive support system that not only addresses incidents when they occur but also prevents them through education and awareness.

The impact of the Concord Bridge Initiative extends beyond the immediate school environment. By equipping students with the knowledge and tools to address bias and hate in their communities, the initiative fosters future leaders who are committed to social justice and equity. These students will carry the lessons learned into their adult lives, advocating for change and promoting inclusivity wherever they go.

In conclusion, the Concord Bridge Initiative is a vital step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society. By integrating education with proactive measures against bias and hate, it sets a precedent for other institutions to follow. As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to support and expand such initiatives, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background, feels safe, respected, and valued. The work of the Concord Bridge Initiative is not just about addressing current issues; it is about building a future where diversity is embraced and celebrated, paving the way for a more harmonious society.

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